  • Horarios de apertura: lun - sáb 8:00 am - 5:30 pm
809-896-8802 [email protected]
Ave. Bolivar #601, Esquina Mahatma Gandhi


  • Sale of Solar Equipment

    We sell solar equipment for the implementation of Renewable Energy Projects such as: Solar Panels, Inverters, Controllers, Batteries and much more.
  • Residential

    We have a team specialized in the design and installation of residential solar systems, so that our clients feel confident that their installation will generate solar energy correctly and within the specified parameters.
  • Commercial

    We have a team specialized in the design and installation of commercial solar systems, so that our entrepreneurs feel confident that all the equipment in their company works according to what is established.
  • Solar System Maintenance

    We provide maintenance services for all our facilities with the best standards and controls to carry out each of the stages of this process, in order to guarantee the durability of our equipment and maximum efficiency for a long time.
  • Installation of solar systems

    Our Engineers have the necessary tools to carry out all our projects, in order to offer a good service to our clients, managing the design of the project, the engineering necessary for execution and implementation.
  • IT Technology

    Technology is one of our strongest area, that is why we have Ckill Technology Group SRL., To provide the best services for the installation of IP Telephone Centrals, Design of Web Pages, Sale of Domains and Hosting, Installation of Fiber Optic and other Cables Networking, Business Software Design, Computer Sales and much more.